Sunday, June 20, 2010

Oberbozen - Literally, Over Bolzano

June 19, 2010
Cloudy skies – but at least it is not raining. . .yet. We took the bus into Bolzano to the cable car station. We took the Ritten cable car up to Oberbozen (Soprabolzano). They view was fantastic! At Oberbozen, we then took the train to Klobenstein (Collalbo). The Ritten train is the original narrow gauge train which has some wagons dating from the time of the Austrian Emperor Franz Josef. Not only is it a means of transportation – it is a museum piece. All in all we increased our elevation by over 1000 meters (3000feet). \

We enjoyed the panoramic view of the mountains, the quaint houses, wild flowers, and the hike. We hiked to see the Erdpyramided (Piramidid) or Earth Pyramids of the Ritten. The raw material for the earth pyramids came from moraine clays of the late ice age, which through erosion have been formed into a wonder of nature.

We continued walking up the trail to a church called the Maria Saal. It was here that we had the lunch I packed – and Phil kept breaking into song, “The hills are alive – wit.h the sound of music.”

After having some difficulty finding our bus back to the camp ground, we enjoyed a fine meal at the camp ground restaurant. By the way – if ever in the area – plan on staying at Camping Moosebaur – it is a teaching camp. There is signage all over camp that helps to educate everyone on the culture, people, agriculture, and political history of the Alto Adige (Sud Tirol) area. The restrooms are nicer that we have ever had at any other campground – or hotel for that matter. Very nice.

At supper, we met a nice couple, Hazel and Dave Jenkins, from Manchester, England. We talked with them all through supper and then they invited us back to their camper for a beverage. I had tea (after all they were from England) and Phil had some Greek red wine that they had purchased there last week. We were really glad to have a place to “hang out” because by this time it was raining pretty heavily – and the prospect of just hanging out in the tent or car for the evening was a bit glum.

They are both retired. Hazel a primary special education teacher and Dave a primary head teacher (elementary principal). We had a lovely evening taking with them on a wide range of topics.

June 20, 2010
It rained all night. After having breakfast in the campground restaurant and terrifically enjoyable (and much needed) showers – we have decided to have a resting day. Today will be full of writing, reading, and a short walk or two. The cool temperatures and rain don’t really lend themselves too much wildly strenuous activity.

We have also decided not to go to Selva val Gardena – because it is snowing there. Tomorrow we head for Leinz, Austria to visit our College of Wooster “adopted daughter”/friend Laura.

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