Friday, June 25, 2010

Austria . . . Switzerland

June 23, 2010
What a terrific day we had today! Finally, summer decided to show! The weather was perfect for a lot of physical activity – sunny with a breeze and not too warm.

We met Laura at the train station and rented some bikes for the day. We then boarded a lovely, modern train and rode 25 minutes or so up the valley to Innichen (Sudtirol) / San Candido (Alto Adige), Italy. At Innichen, we stopped for a coffee at a café which was at the bottom of a ski resort. On the spur of the moment, we decided to take the chair lift up the mountain and ride the “fun-bob” down. The “fun-bob” is like an individual bobsled which travels on a track. It was a lot of fun. Phil and Laura K. descended the mountain very quickly – I chose to control my speed a bit and enjoy the scenery – including the bell-laden cattle. (Yes, Toto we are not in Kansas anymore – we are in the Alps!)

The bike ride back to Lienz, Austria was one of the best rides we have ever taken. It was about 50 km (about 31 miles), mostly down hill, along side a rushing river, through alpine meadows and mountains, and with wonderful people – what more could one ask for?

About 2/3rds of the way back to Lienz, we decided to stop our ride to partake in another athletic event. We rented climbing gear (harnesses, helmets, safety equipment, and carabineers) and climbed up a rock crevasse next to a waterfall. It was a predetermined route equipped with cables, and some rebar for foot and hand holds. The vertical was challenging – the view amazing. We discussed how this event would never have happened in the USA without many liability forms, a guide, and training – or at least the participants demonstrating their competence. In many ways, the Austrian society is based on the concept of responsibility – not law suits.

After our strenuous climb – we completed our bike trip back to Lienz. We returned our bikes and drove up to the local castle for a “look-see”.

In the evening, we were again invited to Laura’s mother’s apartment for a delicious meal and wonderful conversation. We also met her cousin, Philipp. We really have felt welcome with open arms in Austria.

PS. The mountain mentioned yesterday was Grossglockner.

June 24, 2010
After breaking camp this morning, we drove NW through Innsbruck, Austria and on to Zurich, Switzerland. It was a beautiful drive through the Italian and Swiss Alps. We drove through many tunnels – including one that was 14 km (about 9 miles) long. We could have taken the northern or southern route into Zurich – we decided to take the southern route just so we could drive through Lichtenstein . . . which took about 20 minutes.

We are staying with Portia Harold. She is a friend of my parents. She went to Medina High School with my mother and worked at a summer camp with my father. She is such a wonderful woman. We have enjoyed many conversations about a wide variety of topics including, literature, politics, Europe vs. America, history, ecology, environmental stewardship, etc. She has opened her home to us – it sure is nice sleeping in a bed.

June 25, 2010
Another lovely, warm, sunny day! We had a charming breakfast of French toast, bacon, and coffee on the veranda – almost overlooking the Zurich See.

We took a walk around noon up the hill by Portia’s home. It is fun for Phil and I to observe the agriculture. We will need to tell our Swiss neighbors that Swiss cattle really do wear bells.

This has been a relaxing day of doing laundry, cooking, reading, and taking naps – just what the doctor ordered.

Tomorrow, we will head to Basel, Switzerland to begin doing some “Grimm” genealogy research. We will stay in Portia’s son’s (Hardy’s) apartment. Portia said that Grimm and Neff are common names in this area as well.

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